Xcom 2 Instant Build

GiveFacility Command Documentation

givefacility [facility id] [avenger/map index]Avenger

This console command will give you the facility with the specified ID at the specified position. See commands.gg/xcom2/givefacility for facility IDs and position IDs (3-14). If there is an existing facility, debris, or ongoing construction at the position you specify, This console command will not do anything. The game may not update instantly after using This console command - switching screens (e.g. going into the Geoscape and back) will apply changes.

Xcom 2 cheats instant buildGiveResource

Feb 11, 2016 XCOM 2 General Discussions Topic Details. Fire Pokemon. Feb 11, 2016 @ 9:43pm How do I do instant build on console command (for fun. XCOM 2 - choosing the best Soldier Abilities Every single Soldier Abiltiy in XCOM 2 in one clear reference guide, with build advice and gameplay tips for every combat character in the game.

Facility IDThe ID of the facility you wish to create.
Avenger/Map IndexThe index to place the facility at. Avenger indexes:
3 (Upper Left Corner)45 (Upper Right Corner)
12 (Bottom Left Corner)1314 (Bottom Right Corner)
Xcom 2 Instant Build


Find below working examples of the GiveFacility command.

GiveFacility AdvancedWarfareCenter 14

This command would build an Advanced Warfare Center in the bottom right corner of the Avenger (map index 14), provided there isn't already something there.

GiveFacility UFODefense 7

This console command would place a UFO Defence Facility at Avenger index 7 (upper left middle).

[A side note- can we sticky the class build threads? They're quite useful and I keep having to search for them]

Xcom 2 Instant Builds

What are people's thoughts for builds on the SPARKs? I almost feel like Bulwark is just so good you have to take it every time. I currently have a high-aim SPARK build for Overwatch, which he does terrifyingly well; however, I have no idea what to take at Paladin rank (Channeling Field/Wrecking Ball/Holotargeting) as Channeling Field is just crap and neither of the other two synergize with the build at all... similarly, if I'm making my SPARK non-shooty I have no idea what to take at the very first rank; both Shredder and Combat Awareness assume the SPARK can hit targets... Iron Skin seems incredibly situational though. Anybody have any advice?