Parasite In City Game Wiki

Parasite is an enemy of Superman who feeds on energy by hungrily absorbing it into his body, draining all living creatures into husks at his touch. Because of the massive danger he presents to anyone he comes into contact with, he spends most of his time imprisoned in Stryker's Island Penitentiary. He has been a member of the Suicide Squad, Superman Revenge Squad and Secret Society of Super. One thing I have to say is that Parasite In City is a very short game. I am not sure if more levels are coming to the game, but as of right now it only has three different levels for you to play through and these are quite short. The gameplay is that of an action platformer/shooter. Parasite In City Game Wiki Rudy Jones (died November 2016) was a research scientist who became infected with an Angon alien parasite that could absorb the powers and life energy of other beings; this turned Jones into. Rudy Jones Arrowverse Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. The game was designed from the outset as having no direct connection to the previous Parasite Eve games. The game's title came from it being Aya's third video game appearance, as well as it being a noticeable change in setting. The game's logo was designed to both look like the letter 'B' and the number '3'.

Parasite In City Game Wiki Legends

If you want a hentai game that has actual gameplay, Parasite In City is what you are looking for. This is not going to be a game of the year or anything like that. However, what we have here is a very XXX NSFW shooter/action game where you are trying to save the day and not get yourself violated by the monstrous creatures that have taken residence in this city.

This Is How The World Ends

There is a story here, but let’s face it you are not coming to a game like this because you care about the story. All I know is that you are playing as this smoking hot girl who is stuck in a world that is full of these creatures that do not just want her dead, they have some real lust going on and want to do unspeakable things to her!

Hmm, Quite Impressive

Parasite In City Game Wiki Games

GameParasite In City Game Wiki

One of the things I was most impressed about with Parasite In City was the visuals. This is a very good-looking game. Especially for one that is clearly made by a small (perhaps just one person) team. The main character is very attractive and she has a real “spark” to her as well which many games like this fail to capture.The levels are dark, gloomy, and kind of ugly, but that is on purpose. The creatures that are going to be trying to assault her are very disgusting and the way these hentai scenes work is if they knock you down during gameplay, they will bang you and you can then can view the animation again later.

I Bet Lara Croft Doesn’t Have To Do This!

One thing I have to say is that Parasite In City is a very short game. I am not sure if more levels are coming to the game, but as of right now it only has three different levels for you to play through and these are quite short. The gameplay is that of an action platformer/shooter. You control our massive boobed heroine as she makes her way through each level shooting and kicking various ugly monsters to death.

On paper, the gameplay on offer here does not sound all that exciting I am fully aware of that. However, I found myself actually having a good time with this. While the hentai stuff might be what you are here for. I am sure that after a short while the gameplay will get a hold of you and you will be actually trying to avoid getting assaulted as killing these creatures is way more addictive than it has any right to be!


I did not expect much going into this, but I was pleasantly surprised. Hentai games are usually hit or miss for me, but Parasite In City is a fairly decent time. The gameplay on offer here is pretty fun and I was very impressed with the way the game looks. It has a kind of comic book style to it and that is something I really do like. It is on the short side, but what is here is fun while it lasts.


Parasite in city game wiki free
  • I liked the main character
  • The comic book style scenes are cool
  • The animations are nice
  • The hentai action is pretty extreme if that floats your boat
  • The shooting and platforming was way more fun than I thought it would be


  • The game only has three levels
  • I am not sure you would come back to it time and time again
Overall rating: 8
ID: Wildlife_Ooze_Dagon
KB Defense0
Base XP5400
LocationThe Sunken City

Description[edit | edit source]

The Parasite is a small maggot.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

Finally, our incredible creature artist is making something we simply call 'The Ooze'. You'll get to see more of this in the future.
~ We're Back, Jens - October 31, 2017

Media[edit | edit source]

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